This week Hyred attended NXT Oslo where the theme was “Gen Z – The Future of Commerce”. The host of the session we attended was E-handel.se where the Editor in Chief Annika Lindecrantz interviewed our founder Ida Johansson.
During the session, the challenges for e-commerce companies going forward, Generation Z's progress in business and the general attitude among the next generation of employees were discussed.
When asked "What do you say about the saying that Generation Z wants everything served on a silver platter?" Ida answered:
As part of Generation Z myself, I agree that the new generation of employees sometimes have unreasonable expectations. What we must be aware of is that we will not be able to change an entire generation, we as employers must adapt. Think what we have to learn from each other. Communication about expectations is essential for a successful organization, across generational boundaries.
Ida Johansson, interview NXT Nordic 2022
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